Saturday, June 11, 2011

Creative Process of creating Element and Principle Slideshow

I personally love photography. My husband and I purchased a Canon Rebel about 1 year ago and love to use it to capture life's moments just that much clearer. I enjoyed creating this slideshow because it allowed me to use my creative side as well as the camera I love. Some of my favorite shots are the ones of the flowers, that demonstrated form, color, and texture. They are beautiful and give such a vibrant perspective on everyday life. I had a hard to thinking of something to photograph for lines so I saw the restaurant that I ended up photographing, that overlooked the water in Lewiston. It seemed to me a good example of lines. I also loved using my little  nice Sydney's picture to demonstrate proportion as well as the variety photo. She is just precious.
I hope you enjoy my slideshow!
I tried embedding this but I cannot figure it out, so here is my hyperlink:


  1. I see you enjoyed this project as much as me. I’ve been thinking about buying a Canon Rebel and it does take nice pictures. My favorite photo is your space representation. It also uses lines as in the piers and light posts, forms of the boats, subdued palette, balance and variety of all the objects, and repetition of the piers creates a unified composition. Your photo that represents rhythm not sure if it does, I don’t feel like my eyes move around the photo. I believe the photo represents emphasis better because my eyes go directly to the feet and the water just backdrops them.

  2. I really liked your photographs! I too have been looking at purchasing a canon rebel and these photos make me want to even more! My favorite picture is your photograph of the chocolate donuts for shape! I though it was clever and it depicts so many elements n in it along with shape. I also like the photograph of the glass for emphasis.

  3. Hi Danielle,

    Well your photographs weren’t hard to look at! They were beautiful. I especially liked your take on “emphasis”. I has that photograph up on my computer and my boyfriend walked by and he said verbatum, "wow, did you really take that photo". I unfortunately had to say no but it's definitely a great shot. I enjoyed this project as well. It allowed for creativity and a chance to have fun with images around us. By the way, your niece is beautiful.

  4. you had some great pics i loved the emphasis pic with the wine glass. some of the nature pics might of resembled some of mine but not really. I enjoyed looking at your pictures they were very good quality.

  5. I think the strongest picture in relation to an element is empahasis; the scale and clarity of the glass against a blurred background immediately drawing the attention of the viewer, while further inspection reveals the inverse reflection of the landscape in the glass. I also found the photograph relating to rythym very interesting and intimate, and although I don't think it relates as strongly to the element as some of the others, I can see the sense of rythym in the toes and color of the nails. In general, I think your pictures related to the strongest element, particularly movement depicted by the falls, color shown through the lavender and purple flower petals complimented by greens, reds, and yellows, and line depicted by the strong horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines of the buildings and their railings. The only one I would question is the picture describing pattern. While I do like your attempt to show something in nature as highlighting this point, I think this picture is too organic to really be considered a pattern. While the colors may be similafr, I do not get the feeling that they continue on into space in some form of definite pattern or design.
