Saturday, June 11, 2011


Through the  videos, I learned that Color can be described as a function of light, which is an outcome of sunlight rays broken up, and refracted. Color is one of the most pleasurable of the visual elements, because of the fact that it has the power to touch our emotions and it ignites a wide range of responses, both psychological and physiological. Color can be symbolic as well as meaningful. Artists use color for various reason and to convey a wide variety or emotions and messages. Color can be striking or passive. Color can be used vibrantly, or very subtly. Either way, it is always meaningful. A most intriguing aspect about color is that color can be used to play on not only emotions, but feelings, and appetites for example. One artist, Mark Rothko, was famous for using color in some of his pieces to purposely decrease the appetite of diners, and make chefs in the kitchen feel trapped. He used  certain colors such as reds and dark blues to his advantage. It is so interesting how color has this type of impact. I, for one, LOVE color. The brighter the better, in my book. This is because bright colors make me happier, I think. I am a very social, happy person and pale, soft, pastel tones just don't mix well with my personality.
The effect color has on emotion makes quite a big impact not only on the viewers, but more importantly on the artist. While watching the "Color" video, I was able to follow along with the featured artists process of a painting, and observe her strengths and struggles, which were surrounded mainly around color. I love to paint, and I understand that sometimes I am looking to create a certain "feel" behind what I am creating. The color has a LOT to do with that. For example, if I want a focal piece, I want bright, bold, and enticing colors. The artist in the video worked from her imagination to recreate the colors she observed in Venice. It took a while for her to be satisfied. After watching the video "Feelings" video, it only reinforced what I already feel within myself when I wear or am surrounded by certain colors. It makes sense why certain artists used black and white to paint pictures of horrors or sadness, and why other artists used bright colors to portray beauty and serenity.

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