Sunday, August 7, 2011

Art curator exhibit

The creation of my exhibit was incredible challening for me. It was mostly challenging because I have very limited time, and it was very time consuming. I did start it early, too! I thought it gave me a great appreciation for what real curators do. It is not a job I would ever chose for myself. I did however enjoy learning of the several art website available to us through Buffalo State. I started by using CAMIO, and that is all I used so as not to confuse myself. I came up with my theme of "Green" because I wanted to focus on nature. I did not intend to have trees as a recurring theme throughout it, but they ended up that way. There were some flowers, however. I think at some point, the exhibit just took on its own life form, and that is the direction it headed in. I would have enjoyed this experience more if I hadn't been so stretched for time.

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