Saturday, August 13, 2011

Art critique

I reviewed the project by Lauren McGowan entitled "A world's war". I chose this exhibit because the theme of war interested me and I wanted to see how she decided to go about interpreting and portraying it through art. I was challenged by trying to organize all my thoughts about her choices individually and as a whole, in regards to this exhibit. It was hard knowing how much detail was too much, and how objective vs. subjective I should be. I generally feel uncomfortable critiquing other classmate's works because I know how hard it can be to do projects like these for classes and even if something doesn't seem "good" to me, that person may have 3 other classes they are trying to work on, or perhaps it was simple their best effort. I would enjoy reading the critiques about my project, I think. However, I am sensitive, so if they were harsh it would be hard for me to stomach. I would rate my article as a 10 because I know I did the best I could do with it and tried to be as honest, yet professional about it as possible. I would not necessarily say I enjoyed this project, but it wasn't the worst one I have done, either.

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