Friday, July 8, 2011

Reviewing peer responses to artwork

I thought both the blogger's use of elements and principles of their project were well chosen. I did see other elements in some of their photos, and comment as such. Sometimes one person sees something more clearly than another, just because we all have different points of view.
There were no images that were the same as the ones I chose, because mine were from the Penny Burchfield art gallery and theirs were from the Albright Knox gallery. 
4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?
One of the blogger's posted a painting called "Dangerous Curves" that i thought was beautiful. I liked it because of the abstract design and interesting use of color. I love that kind of art. I would want to know the reason behind the artist's inspiration. Also, another painting was posted by both bloggers called "Carcass of Beef" which was an intense depicting of exactly what the name says. It was in the shape of a human heart. 
I think reading my peer's reflections was nice way to expose myself to other art that I wouldn't have otherwise seen. It was useful in seeing all the different interpretations of art that people can have.
I thought the comments from my peers were helpful and constructive. I think although some people said they didn't agree with my choice of element/principle for certain photos, I still think I chose it correctly simply because every person interprets something differently. 

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